We are again on the line!! After four years we have proposed again our session at European Geosciences Union – EGU – General Assembly. If you haven’t yet submitted an abstract do it soon, deadline is approaching…Here follows the call:
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We would like to remind you of our call for abstracts to the Earth sciences and Art session that we are organizing within the 2024 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024).
Session EOS 1.4
Scientists, artists and the Earth: co-operating for the planet
Climate change, pollution, desertification, natural hazards, and animal extinction are some of the challenges we face everyday. Very often Science is in charge of the solutions while Art is intended mainly for entertainment. A community of scientists and artists is growing to drive people’s attention to the impelling problems demanding urgent solutions. Art involves people emotionally; it represents a valid tool for cognitive learning; it can help to convey messages and values for reawakening the sense of beauty and responsibility for the planet. The precious cooperation between the two facilitates the identification of more effective methods to involve people into a deep knowledge of the Earth while educating them to a sustainable life-style. If you are using any form of Art in this sense or investigating how Art meets Earth sciences issues, then join the session. The focus of our session is on the emotional engagement of the projects co-created by scientists and artists. So we would also like to stimulate a discussion on how to evaluate the experiences done in the intersection of the two fields. Finally, as an immediate experiment of the emotional involvement of the public, we encourage performative presentations.
Submit your abstract here: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/session/49295
Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is 10 January 2024, 13:00 CET
For details on how to submit an abstract please read the guidelines at the following link:
If you want to know about our past sessions you can check our Special Volume including some of the past contributions at the following link:
Looking forward to your contributions!
Tiziana Lanza, George Sand Leão Araújo de França, Susanne Maciel, Giuliana D’Addezio
p.s. in attached a Flyer in case you would like to advertise our session.