Singing in the name of climate change (part I)

Climate Change is such a popular subject that not only several movies have been dedicated to this theme, to give just an example Roland Emmerich The Day After Tomorrow, but also popular novelists as Michael Chricton have ignited the debate with one of his last novel, State of Fear. As we have already shown in one of the past post there is also a decennary Project that gathers science and artists with the aim of fighting climate change.

Climate change is also popular in the rock music world. Some years ago an Italian Rock Band, Le Vibrazioni decided to produce music without polluting the air, or at least reducing as much as possible CO2 emissions. They produced in this way a video clip of their lyrics “Drammaturgia”, a rocky horror video where the singer is a scientist who decides to give life to a creature in a Lab by putting together recycled materials, using energy produced with low CO2 emissions.

The video has been produced within the framework of the Clean planet program of the Asia company. They compensated the Ghg emissions by calculating the emissions during the two days video production including the CO2 emitted for travelling to Rome where the video was actually recorded. The video has been also supported by the MTV No Excuse  2015 project within the UN campaign for fighting GW.

 How the Clean Planet Program work? Clean Planet allows you to cancel Ghg emissions. Emissions are expressed in equivalent quantity of CO2. Asja’s project activities reduce Ghg emissions by producing renewable energy. Asja sells emission credits generated by the projects to whoever wants, allowing them to offset their emissions and play an active role in participating in eco-sustainable projects.

The video has been presented also at the 11 International Cineambiente Festival in Turin (2008). The video clip of the song “Drammaturgia” has been announced by a back stage video called “le Vibrazioni –CO2” where the members of the group showed together with experts of the Italian Environmental Ministery how to live reducing in every day life CO2 emissions.

In the video Drammaturgia together with Francesco Saracino the leader of the Vibrazioni star the popular Italian actor Riccardo Scamarcio, the actress Sabina Impacciatore and the popular Italian showman Paolo Bonolis.

A sequence of the Video Drammaturgia by Le Vibrazioni where Francesco Sarcina the band leader star as a scientist
A sequence of the Video Drammaturgia by Le Vibrazioni where Francesco Sarcina the band leader star as a scientist